Deputy Ombudswoman and Equinet Chair, Tena Šimonović Einwalter, gave a lecture on intersectionality for the Council of Europe’s Social Questions Working Party on 14 November 2017. The term, originating from USA, means monitoring and combating a specific form of multiple discrimination when more than one ground of discrimination occurs (for example, a woman of Muslim religion or young members of ethnic minorities). Multiple discrimination is not covered by the EU directives, apart from the preambles. However, it has been introduced in national legislations, including the Croatian Anti-Discrimination Act.
In the course of lecture, Deputy Ombudswoman Šimonović Einwalter suggested that the norms regarding multiple discrimination and intersectionality should be included in the EU legislation and subsequently transposed at the national level, while reassessing the existing anti-discrimination laws in order to ensure a coherent and comprehensive protection.
More about the intersectionality you may find in the publication (available in English) here.
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