Yesterday, the Ombudswoman submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights the NHRI report during the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Republic of Croatia.
The report was written in collaboration with the Ombudsperson for Children, the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality and the Disability Ombudsperson, as in the first cycle of reporting in 2010.
The Ombudsman is the only Croatian national institution for the protection of human rights (NHRI) with “A” status.
Universal Periodic Review, the UN Human Rights Council´s new mechanism for the protection of human rights from 2006, involves all human rights (the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights instruments ratified by the country, voluntary consents and commitments, applicable international humanitarian law) and applies to all UN member states.
The report and recommendations in English can be found in attachement.
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