National human rights bodies, bodies for combating discrimination and equality promotion and European ombudsman institutions had the first meeting in October 2013. The representatives of the Council of Europe, the EU Agency for Protection of Human Rights, the United Nations and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights attended the meeting during which they agreed on necessary further steps in order to improve human rights protection through the cooperation of institutions.
As follows, they agreed on platforms for cooperation on issues of asylum and migration, Roma integration, combating hate crimes, the improvement of social and economic rights and socio-economic equality. Pursuant to the agreements reached and under the leadership of the Council of Europe, the first meeting of the Platform dedicated to the integration of Roma was held in Strasbourg on 30 January 2015.
At the meeting, representatives of these organizations and national authorities from 12 countries, including the representative of the Ombudswoman, discussed future methods and principles of cooperation within the Platform.
Three themes that will be the focus of work and cooperation within of the Platform were defined: 1. Combating discrimination against Roma, 2. Raising awareness of the bodies for human rights protection, combating discrimination and promoting equality and their role in ensuring access to justice for the Roma community and 3. Improvement of national policies for Roma integration and their implementation.
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