National Preventive Mechanism paid an unannounced visit to the Zadar Prison from 25th until 28th October 2017. The purpose was to assess how human rights of persons deprived of liberty were respected, especially those relating to accommodation conditions, work organisation of the Treatment Department as well as treatment by judicial police.
It was a part of a study visit of the Slovenian NPM to the Office of the Ombudswoman, in which the Deputy Slovenian Ombudswoman Ivan Šelih and adviser Robert Gačnik participated.
You can find more on the NPM activities here.
Svjetski dan socijalne pravde
Komentari na Zakon o strancima
Konferencija „Kažnjavanje siromaštva: Prisilni rad korisnika socijalne pomoći“
Okrugli stol „Obrazovanje – pravo, a ne dar“
Izvještaj o vladavini prava: civilno društvo i sudjelovanje u procesima donošenja odluka
Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve holokausta