We are deeply sorry to announce the sad news that our distinguished colleague Dejan Palić, Deputy Ombudsman from 2004 to 2013, passed away. Dejan Palić was born on August 6th, 1957 in the city of Rijeka and graduated from the Faculty of Law – University of Zagreb in 1984. Prior to this function, he served several positions in the field of free legal aid, protection and promotion of human rights.
As the Deputy Ombudsman in charge for different fields of human rights protection and combating discrimination, Dejan participated in numerous human right events, gave lectures and contributed to numerous publications, as well as to the Ombudsman reports. On a daily basis he counseled citizens who turned for help to the Ombudsman’s Office. He performed this job with great devotion and sincere willingness to help each person whose rights were infringed or who just find her/him self in a difficult situation in life.