29 Ombuds, National Human Rights Institutions and Equality Bodies from wider Europe adopted the Zagreb Declaration on May 12 2017, at the end of the
The event “Reclaiming Human Rights In Europe: How To Enhance The Democratic Space” was held in Zagreb on 11 and 12 May 2017, as an opportunity for a wide discussion on some of the most current topics in Europe today – counter-terrorism, freedom of speech and living together.
Zagreb Declaration reports on the current context, emphasizing the universal values Europe was built upon, human rights and equality, as well as the role of signatories in preserving democracy and the rule of law.
The signatories reaffirm their strong commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights and equality, the fight against all forms of discrimination, and to the cooperation with stakeholders on all levels.
Zagreb declaration is supported by the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), the European Network of National Human Rights (ENNHRI) and the European Network of Equality Bodies (EQUINET).
You can find Zagreb Declaration attached below.
Svjetski dan socijalne pravde
Komentari na Zakon o strancima
Konferencija „Kažnjavanje siromaštva: Prisilni rad korisnika socijalne pomoći“
Okrugli stol „Obrazovanje – pravo, a ne dar“
Izvještaj o vladavini prava: civilno društvo i sudjelovanje u procesima donošenja odluka
Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve holokausta