At the beginning of October 2013 advisers to the Ombudswoman visited and inspected detention and police units in Istria, both in the competence of National Preventive Mechanism Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (NPM), and as part of the Ombudsman’s regular mandate to protect human rights of persons deprived of liberty and address their complaints, pursuant to the Ombudsman’s Act.
The following institutions and locations were inspected: Police stations in Pazin, Rovinj, Umag and Poreč as well as the police custody units of the Istria Police administration and of Prison in Pula.
Acting according to the Ombudsman’s Act on 7th October 2013 advisers to the Ombudswoman paid an unannounced visit to the premises for detention of persons deprived of liberty at the Police station in Pazin. The purpose of the visit was to check what measures were taken upon the recommendations made after previous visit in January 2012. At the same time the advisers consulted the available documentation and held interviews with the police staff in order to get an overall insight on treatment of persons deprived of liberty.
Acting according to the Act on NPM the Ombudswoman’s advisers in the period of 8-11 October 2013 visited detention premises at the Police station in Rovinj, Umag and Poreč as well as the police custody units of the Istria Police administration and of prison in Pula.
Visit to the Prison in Pula included inspection of the entire work of the Prison. The purpose of the visit, during which the NPM members talked both with prisoners and the staff and consulted relevant documentation as well as inspected all premises where prisoners live, had a preventive role in order to strengthen the protection of persons deprived of liberty.
Results of this fact-finding mission will be presented in a report, together with recommendations for undertaking measures in order to upgrade conditions in detention and police units, and delivered to the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice.
Svjetski dan socijalne pravde
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