NPM members paid an unannounced visit to the Lepoglava Penitentiary in the period from November 11th to 15th , 2013 in order to strengthen the protection of persons deprived of liberty
During the visit the NPM members conducted interviews both group and individual with convicts in closed and half-open departments as well as with the Penitentiary’s staff, had an insight into documentation and inspected all premises in which convicts are or may be detained.
During the visit the entire work of the Penitentiary was inspected, including the implementation of the treatment and health protection programme of prisoners, execution of ordered security measures, educational programme, prisoners’ work engagement and organised free time.
Registers of execution of disciplinary measures, special order and security measures and the manner in which they had been carried out were inspected as well. This evidence refers specifically to disciplinary measures ordering a solitary confinement and special measures for maintaining order and security – separation from other inmates, placement in a specially secured room cleared from dangerous objects and isolation. Moreover, during the visit the vehicles provided for convicts’ transportation were inspected but also the premises for visitors, workshops and the kitchen.
Report on findings together with recommendations will be delivered to the Lepoglava Penitentiary and to the Central Office of the Prison System Directorate within the Ministry of Justice.
Svjetski dan socijalne pravde
Komentari na Zakon o strancima
Konferencija „Kažnjavanje siromaštva: Prisilni rad korisnika socijalne pomoći“
Okrugli stol „Obrazovanje – pravo, a ne dar“
Izvještaj o vladavini prava: civilno društvo i sudjelovanje u procesima donošenja odluka
Međunarodni dan sjećanja na žrtve holokausta