FRA Report maps out the fundamental rights challenges and achievements that took place over the course of 2013. The highlights are put on surveys on violence and discrimination towards LGBT population, on violence against women and antisemitism which revealed general feelings of fear and high levels of under-reporting among victims, particularly hate crime victims.
It points out the tragic events off the Italian coast of Lampedusa; underlines the urgent need for EU-wide action to safeguard the lives and rights of migrants. Report reveals the widespread data surveillance and indicates to apparent weaknesses in the authorities responsible for data protection at European and national level.
FRA’s Annual report underlines the need for the EU and its Member States to reaffirm and strengthen their joint commitment towards protecting and promoting fundamental rights. It suggests the creation of an internal fundamental rights strategy and an annual policy cycle to better link up and to regularly assess fundamental rights efforts at EU and national levels. This would mirror the existing external human rights framework and consolidate the EU as a beacon of human rights worldwide.
The FRA 2013 Annual report provides concrete and comparative data on the fundamental rights situation on the ground in the 28 EU Member States (available in English language Annual report )