More than 40 ombudsmen from all over Europe participated at the symposium on the impact of populism on human rights, organised on April 3-4 in Barcelona by the Catalan Ombudsman Rafel Ribó, the IOI Europe’s Regional President. In his key note speech the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe Nils Muižnieks assessed that the last year was marked by the surge of populism while emphasising the vital role that ombudsmen’s institution might have in protection of citizens against arbitrariness.
Ombudswoman and the Chair of the European National Human Rights Institutions’ Network (ENNHRI) Lora Vidović outlined that the populism often means a denial of the universality of human rights and damages the citizens’ trust in institutions which was additionally enhanced by the great inequalities and state of poverty in societies. She made a strong point on the role ENNHRI members have as human rights’ promoters especially in advocating sustainable and systemic solutions, deriving from the international laws and standards.
Growing inequalities in societies are fuelling unease among the general public. This is making many turn their back on human rights, stressed Michael O’Flaherty, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) Director. He therefore stated that FRA will continue to provide relevant timely data that decision makers need to make informed policies.
Symposium was concluded by the adoption of “Barcelona Declaration” in which the European members of IOI call the states to fully adhere to the international obligations concerning human rights, especially in the context of the security threats and maintaining public order.
Today more than ever Ombudspersons play vital role in defending #HumanRights for all & in protecting us from arbitrariness
— Nils Muiznieks (@CommissionerHR) 3. travnja 2017.