On March 18th 2013 members of the National Preventive Mechanism paid an unannounced visit to the Command Unit Lora of the Croatian Navy Headquarters „St. Nikola“ in Split, and on March 19th 2013 the Police Detention Unit in the Split-Dalmatia County.
The purpose of the visit was to inspect the residence facilities used by the Military Police for temporary detention members of the Croatian Army Forces NPM also checked the police custody premises of the Police Administration in the Split-Dalmatia County. Relevant documentation was consulted and interviews with military policemen and law enforcement officials were conducted in order to get an insight on the treatment of persons deprived of liberty.
NPM will prepare a report on the fact-findings with recommendations to the Command Unit Lora of the Croatian Navy Headquarters, Ministry of Defence, and Police Administration in the Split – Dalmatia County and to the Head Police Administration in the Ministry of Interior.
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